Competition Details

Competition Timeline
For questions please email info@ivoryinnovations.org.
September 3, 2024
Nominations open for the Ivory Prize
December 6, 2024
Ivory Prize nominations close
February 2025
Ivory Prize Top 25 Finalists Announced
April 2025
Ivory Prize Top 10 Finalists Announced
May 2025
Ivory Prize Winners Announced
What happens during our due diligence process?
1. Screening
Candidates are evaluated by Ivory Innovations and Student Associates for completeness of application and alignment with the Ivory Prize mission of supporting scalable solutions in housing affordability.
2. Qualification Round
Candidates that match our criteria are referred to a group of Ivory Innovations evaluators with relevant expertise. Some nominees will be visited during this process or receive requests for additional information.
3. Advisory Committee
Top candidates from the Qualification Round will be selected as finalists and winners by the Ivory Innovations Advisory Board and Ivory Innovations Fellows.
Selection Process

1. Nominations
Both self-nominations and third-party nominations are welcome. Organizations may also be nominated by members of Ivory Innovations’ Student Associate team, who work to ensure that each year’s nomination pool reflects the most promising and novel solutions in the housing affordability sphere.
2. Due Diligence
Ivory Prize nominees are screened and reviewed by the Ivory Innovations team with the help of our Advisory Board Members and Fellows, and Student Associates.
3. Finalist Rounds
After thorough due diligence, Ivory Innovations’ Advisory Board Members selects the Top 25 finalist group, and then the Top 10 finalist group, from the nominee pool.
4. Winners Announced
Ivory Prize winners receive unrestricted grant funding and recognition as part of the Ivory Prize awards process.
Winner Benefits

The Ivory Prize awards up to $300k to the most promising housing innovations in the country – typically across three organizations, one in each area of focus.
Finalist Benefits
All organizations selected as part of the top 25 group of finalists receive a myriad of non-financial benefits, including connections to funders, pro bono research support and summer student interns funded by Ivory Innovations.