Why can we book hotel rooms with a touch of a button on our phones, but case workers supporting people experiencing homelessness might need to call 8 or 10 shelters before finding an open bed? Hear how civic technology platform Outreach Grid is making it easier for service providers, case managers, homeless shelters, and other stakeholders to support better outcomes for people experiencing homelessness. We discuss Tiffany’s journey to becoming a founder, what she’s learned on the Outreach Grid journey, and what she wishes others knew about working on the frontlines of homelessness support.
Outreach Grid is a 2023 Ivory Prize Finalist in Public Policy & Regulatory Reform.
Released in Partnership with the Builder's Daily
Tiffany Pang is Chief Executive Officer at Outreach Grid where she focuses on combating homelessness with data.
Jenna Louie is the Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer at Ivory Innovations, a nonprofit with the mission to catalyze innovation in housing affordability. Since 2018, the Ivory team has spoken with hundreds of innovators working on novel housing solutions – learn more at ivoryinnovations.org/database.