
HAWAII: Puʻuhonua O Waiʻanae

Puʻuhonua O Waiʻanae

Waiʻanae, HI

Puʻuhonua O Waiʻanae is a village of approximately 250 people living unhoused on the edge of the Waiʻanae Boat Harbor on the leeward side of Oʻahu. It is home to keiki, kūpunam and working families. Two thirds are Native Hawaiian. 

The people of Puʻuhonua O Waiʻanae have built a remarkable community that, in many ways, is a role model for other communities. They are founded on the idea of community evoking a purpose and that community providing for its people the services they need. Village leaders serve as intermediaries for social services, welfare agencies, law enforcement, and others, saving countless labor hours and tax dollars normally spent trying to find and serve houseless people

In 2020 they completed fundraising for a project that will provide shelter, stability, and hope for up to 300 people at a lower development cost and lower operating costs and rents than conventional affordable housing.